My name is Pali Dacanay and I’m a Sign Language Interpreter for Vital Signs LLC in Silver Spring, Maryland. I currently reside in Lanham, Maryland and attend Victory Christian Ministries International, in Suitland, Maryland.

Around 2010, the niece of Pastor Sam and Apostle Raycenia Moyer, invited me to attend the Power of a Royal Covenant, hosted by New Beginnings Leadership Center. After attending the event, being deeply impacted, ministered to by the Holy Spirit and receiving deep healing in my heart, I returned back home and was later encouraged by a spiritual mother to be aligned with someone more spiritually mature than me so I could grow in the things of the Lord. I had come to the end of myself with nowhere to go and felt God leading me to connect with and join the New® Leadership Center.

When I joined the Ministry, I was already doing ministry within the USA and abroad. Although I was born again, had a lot of zeal for Jesus, and strong gifting, I lacked spiritual wisdom, character, integrity, and being rooted in love and grounded in the Word of God. In addition, I had much hidden pain and brokenness from family, life issues, and generational sin that were still dormant in me. I needed a safe environment to minister to my pain, help me in my character development while still loving me and helping me to grow in my walk with Jesus. I needed the right leadership, teachers and equippers who were fearless in the word of God, who had an authentic relationship with God, and who were not afraid to speak correction to me, thus applying spiritual iron sharpening. I found this and more at the NewB® Leadership Center.

As I attended the leadership bible studies, intercessory prayer, training classes, retreats, seminars, and conferences in the DMV and PA regions, my life began to drastically change. As I grew and CHOSE to allow Holy Spirit to work inside of me, not only did I change but people around me were impacted and helped. I could see how God had me in specific places as a pivotal person in the lives of others as a Godly influence. Through the counsel I provided and the work I executed, I could see changes in my church, workplace and family environments and relationships. It was clear to me that God’s call and hand was on the NewB® Leadership Center.

I have greatly benefited from being under the mentorship, discipleship and training of NewB® Leadership Center. I am experiencing God opening doors of opportunity, favor, blessings, job advancement, promotions, and invitations to events by key Christian leaders. In addition, I also now serve as part of NewB® Leadership Center’s Maryland Ministry Team.

A way that the NewB Leadership Center can better serve me, would be to have Apostle Raycenia do less administrative work and be the mouthpiece and trainer she was built and called to be: mentoring, teaching, and equipping online, in person, and on TV. I would like to see the Ministry have a 24/7 global media presence and to also have more leaders trained one–on-one by Apostle Raycenia and the Ministry to ensure others around the globe can receive what so many of us are getting—authentic training and leadership led by the Holy Spirit.

Pali Dacanay

Sign Language Interpreter